Legal notices, cookies policy & credits
Legal Notice
The website is edited by Stéphanie and Pierre Boulay, located 62 chemin du Moulinet 24150 Calès, , France. Tel.: +33(0)6 80 26 11 64.
Mr Pierre Boulay is the director of publication of the website.
Hosting: o2switch - 222 Bd Gustave Flaubert 63000 Clermont-Ferrand - France. RCS Clermont Ferrand, Siret : 510 909 807 00024
Intellectual property
This website, its general structure, texts, pictures (animated or still), expertise, designs, graphics (…) and all its other contents are the property of either Stéphanie and Pierre Boulay or the company’s clients whose data have been reproduced with their kind permission.
Any reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form without the express written consent of the site owner is prohibited and constitutes counterfeiting, sanctioned by articles L 335-2 and according to the French Intellectual Property Code.
The website owner’s and his partners’ brands as well as all logos published on this site are registered trademarks (whether semi-figurative or not). Any reproduction of part or all of those brands and logos if taken from this site without the express written consent of the website owner or other copyright holders is therefore prohibited under the provisions of article L713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Personal data
Under the provisions of the French Law no 78-17 of 6 January 1978 for Information Technology and Individual Liberties, and the EU Regulation 2016/379 of the European Parliament, and the Council of 27 April 2016 (RGPD), you have the right to access (articles 34 to 38), contest (article 26) and rectify (article 36) any information concerning you. You can therefore contact us to rectify, complete, update or remove any information about you if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, out-of-date or if collecting, using, communicating or keeping it is prohibited.
Any questions, comments or suggestions should be sent to our data protection officer by email:
Cookies policy
A cookie (or witness of connection) is the equivalent of a small text file stored on the user's terminal and optimizing the visit and improving navigation.
By setting the options of your browser, you can accept, refuse or delete all or part of the cookies in your terminal for the main browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari.
The following cookies are set up by the company ALOHA JET and are necessary for the proper functioning of the website:
- The session cookie stores the IP address in the session data and creates a cookie in the user's browser. The IP address is used as a security measure to protect against potential session hijacking attacks. This information is deleted after the session expires and its data is purged. The name of the session cookie is based on randomly generated hash code and therefore has no constant identifier. The session cookie is destroyed when the session expires or when the user leaves his browser.
- Display Divas Cookies Banner, expiration: after 1 month. This cookie manages the unique display of the banner inviting the consultation of this page.
- __utmz, expiration: after 6 months. This Google Analytics cookie stores information useful for identifying the source of the traffic, the support of this source of traffic, the keyword typed if the user consults the site from a search engine, etc. for statistical purposes of the site. Browser add-on for disabling Google Analytics.
The website does not directly store any other cookie on your private or personal device..
The website form is protected by reCAPTCHA, Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
Original template & webmaster : Philippe Lambert
Logo : Mathieu Lemonnier
Photos : © Luc Fauret Photographe, © Déclic&Décolle, @ Agence Les Conteurs, © Comité Départemental du Tourisme de la Dordogne, © Adobe Stock